When You’re Running on E...
Have you ever felt like you needed to just stop and take a break from the world? Like, a real break, from everything? Maybe go on a sabbatical or just stay home in bed for a few days so that you’ll feel more rejuvenated? Sure we’ve all been there before, but with popular songs like, “I Don’t Get Tired” by celebrity rapper Kevin Gates and with society’s pressure and standards to work and grind 24/7, the world has made it seem as if taking time to actually rest is frowned upon or deemed as being weak or lazy. There were even posts floating around social media while majority of the world was quarantined stating, “if you don’t come out of this with a new skill, a new business, a new side hustle, etc., you didn’t lack time, you lacked discipline.” DURING A PANDEMIC! A time when thousands of people are dying. A time when thousands of people are laid off their jobs, an
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